Wednesday 11 June 2014

Modern Eugenics

Fucking idiots. 600,000 people a year die of Malaria every year in Africa (far more than die of AIDS, as I have been saying for years), and the transmission vector is the female of one specific species of Mosquito. 

Mussolini (and Oliver Cromwell) eliminated Malaria by draining all the swamps.

The British plan for Africa now is to re-engineer the genome of the female mosquito, to suppress the production and transmission of the X-Chromosome in all future generations. 

But only of Mosquitos, obviously. Obviously.

It's NOT an attempt to sterilise all Africans and depopulate the entire continent to steal all the minerals via Genetic Modification and genocidal eugenics. Obviously.

Who would want to do such thing...?

Oh, the irony...

I would remove the word "Sexual" from that title...

Angelina Jolie is such an insufferable, Hollywood twit - trying to get War Criminals, Armed Gangs, Countergangs, and Brigands and SAS-Trained Contras to respect the dignity of the women of The Enemy is like attempting to get fire to respect Strawberry ice cream by asking nicely and appealing to it's better nature.

The first half of the sentence she opens with, is correct - Rape is a weapon of war, it's rampant, and it's devastating; the problem is, the thing about wars, and people is that people usually want to win them.

Sun-Tsu knew, almost 3000 years ago that every battle is own and lost in the mind; and he knew, as did General Patton and every soldier - in war, there is no substitute for victory.

Side discussion: the advent of Drone War represents the evolution of War as an instrument of State policy, elevating to question to one beyond the level of violence.

Violence, by definition, cannot be automated.


Also referred to as "Brides".

“If the Gentiles did not repent, said the author of the proclamation, the Native kinsmen of the Mormons, the Lamanites, would go among them and ‘tear them in pieces, like a lion among the flocks of sheep.’ 

Their destruction would be total, ‘an utter overthrow, and desolation of all our Cities, Forts, and Strong Holds – an entire annihilation of our race,’ Apostle Pratt said, ‘except such as embrace the Covenant, and are numbered with Israel’”

Parley P. Pratt
Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles (1845)

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