Sunday 1 March 2015

The Australian Police State Declares War on Islam (and Russia)

Australia is the greatest threat existing to global peace and stability on the face of the earth today.

Because their Head of Government is a no-nothing, big-eared Human Toby Jug of a Bogan who keeps referring to religious Muslims as being members of "The Death Cult"and stating and re-stating the need to strip them of Civil Rights without any due process.
Why? Because, MH-17. Or kiddie porn.

Or some other shit.

The jug-eared little twit clearly self-radicalised himself by reading Sarah Palin's memoirs on his Kindle and sniffing his own farts.

This is worse than listening to any Nazi blood libel or propaganda - at least Dr Goebells was clever and sincere in his hate speech - this fool doesn't even believe it when he says it.

And the only thing more offensive than listening to the viscious slurs of a skilled liar like Netanyahu is listening to the droning rumblings of an unskilled one.

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